
Showing posts from April, 2021

We All Have a Part in Ministry

 By Tom Smith, Parish Ministry Associate Hello, my name is Tom Smith and I am a PMA from Rejoice Lutheran in Gering, NE. I began my PMA studies in 2001 after having been Lutheran for only three years, having joined Rejoice in 1999.  I was raised in the Christian church Disciples of Christ (DOC) as my father was an ordained minister in that denomination.  He retired in 1984, the church he was Pastor of in Mitchell, NE was DOC and UCC (United Church of Christ).  As that Church was heading out the denomination door moving towards being non denominational, I headed out the door and ended up becoming a Lutheran, not by birth but by choice. My wife and I visited and fell in love with Rejoice Lutheran in Gering and I felt at home in a style of worship completely opposite from the non liturgical worship of the DOC and I have never looked back. I was 46 years old at the time. I had felt called to do ministry since my early thirties and had been studying a lot on my own. ...

PMA Stories – Serving a Two Point Parish

  By PMA Jim Germer Romans 8:28 NRSV:  We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. This scripture has been my favorite now during the whole time I have been a PMA – Parish Ministry Associate – first in Kansas and then in Nebraska, although I prefer an alternative ancient reading: “in all things God works for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  I am presently serving First Evangelical Lutheran in McCool Junction and St. John’s Lutheran in Ohiowa, Nebraska as interim PMA.  I am also a caregiver and advocate for my good friend Steve who lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.  The two congregations I serve were part of a three point parish, which recently dissolved very amicably, and the three congregations still do activities together.  It’s interesting how the Holy Spirit works – I had a similar experience in Kansas that helped to prepare me for this.   ...

Spotlight- Parish Ministry Associates

  “The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” (2 Corinthians 9:6) Do you know someone who has gifts for ministry? Is there someone in your congregation or community who is currently discerning a call? Lutherans believe God’s call to ministry comes from both an internal call (inside us) and an external call (from people around us).   Currently there are over 1,000 more open calls for full-time pastors in the ELCA than there are pastors to fill those calls?   There is a need for people to serve as pastors, deacons, and parish ministry associates. There is also a need for people to extend external calls to those who may or may not have been considering serving the church in these ways.  Most of us are familiar with pastors, and some of us are familiar with deacons, but what about parish ministry associates (pmas)? PMAs are typically local individuals who have another for...

Privileged to Serve

 By Jacquelyn Samway, PMA Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.                                                                                        John 12:26 Just this month I was informed that I have hit another milestone in being a PMA for the Nebraska Synod.  It will be my Twenty-Year Anniversary.  Suddenly my mind went back to where it all began. Our small Lutheran church had a wonderful pastor as an interim for several years.  He told me about the PMA program and said that he thought I would be interested.  On his recommendation I began classes to become a PMA.  I was not sure why, but I followed the advice of a Pastor whom I revered.  For three years I had three wonderful pastors as i...

We’re sending in a PMA…

By Rev. Steve Meysing, Assistant to the Bishop & PMA Program Director PMA Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, April 25, 2021, the feast of St. Mark, Evangelist, and Good Shepherd Sunday. Worship resources, sermon videos, and manuscripts by PMAs are available at this link. “Pastor Bob is retiring the day after Christmas. We’re sending in a PMA and you’re supervising her,” said the assistant to the bishop on the other end of the phone call. This was about two weeks into my new call in a new synod. “What’s a PMA and how do I supervise one?” I asked. “You have two PMAs in your congregation, Lyle and Pat. They’ll fill you in. And I’ll email you the PMA handbook.” That was my introduction to the Parish Ministry Associate program of our Nebraska Synod. Now I can’t imagine being Nebraska Synod without PMAs! When a congregation needs a part-time minister, your pastor needs a theologically-trained partner to care for a congregation and community, or you need pulpit supply or visitation whil...