We All Have a Part in Ministry

By Tom Smith, Parish Ministry Associate Hello, my name is Tom Smith and I am a PMA from Rejoice Lutheran in Gering, NE. I began my PMA studies in 2001 after having been Lutheran for only three years, having joined Rejoice in 1999. I was raised in the Christian church Disciples of Christ (DOC) as my father was an ordained minister in that denomination. He retired in 1984, the church he was Pastor of in Mitchell, NE was DOC and UCC (United Church of Christ). As that Church was heading out the denomination door moving towards being non denominational, I headed out the door and ended up becoming a Lutheran, not by birth but by choice. My wife and I visited and fell in love with Rejoice Lutheran in Gering and I felt at home in a style of worship completely opposite from the non liturgical worship of the DOC and I have never looked back. I was 46 years old at the time. I had felt called to do ministry since my early thirties and had been studying a lot on my own. ...