Privileged to Serve

 By Jacquelyn Samway, PMA

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.                                                                                        John 12:26

Just this month I was informed that I have hit another milestone in being a PMA for the Nebraska Synod.  It will be my Twenty-Year Anniversary.  Suddenly my mind went back to where it all began.

Our small Lutheran church had a wonderful pastor as an interim for several years.  He told me about the PMA program and said that he thought I would be interested.  On his recommendation I began classes to become a PMA.  I was not sure why, but I followed the advice of a Pastor whom I revered.  For three years I had three wonderful pastors as instructors, over fifteen fellow students to learn from, and a new friend whom I shared ministry with.

Before I was certified as a PMA, our interim left and my church was without a pastor.  I was asked to preside at my home church.  Shortly after that I was certified and officially my home church became my first interim.  At the time I was a full-time middle school teacher. The good news came when we were able to call a pastor. 

It was not long after our pastor was installed before the pastor of an area church south of Madison left.  I had the privilege to be an interim again and continued teaching at Madison.  After my retirement from teaching, my call to serve continued.    

I have served at three churches once, and three churches twice.  It has been my privilege to visit the homebound and the nursing homes, to sit at the bedside with families in time of death, to preside at funerals for young and old, to baptize, to teach confirmation, and to confirm them. I am so glad that I listened to the advice of a wise pastor and mentor.  Through him and many others I heard God’s call to serve. 


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