Spotlight- Parish Ministry Associates

 “The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)

Do you know someone who has gifts for ministry? Is there someone in your congregation or community who is currently discerning a call? Lutherans believe God’s call to ministry comes from both an internal call (inside us) and an external call (from people around us).  

Currently there are over 1,000 more open calls for full-time pastors in the ELCA than there are pastors to fill those calls?  There is a need for people to serve as pastors, deacons, and parish ministry associates. There is also a need for people to extend external calls to those who may or may not have been considering serving the church in these ways. 

Most of us are familiar with pastors, and some of us are familiar with deacons, but what about parish ministry associates (pmas)? PMAs are typically local individuals who have another form of employment besides ministry.  PMAs can serve on church staff or as the primary leader of a congregation when geographic, financial, or other conditions don’t allow for a pastor. PMAs are only certified to serve in Nebraska.

As part of a spotlight on PMAs, one of our Nebraska Synod PMAs and one of our PMA students have shared their call stories at the links below. Please share these videos with someone you know who may have gifts for leadership in the church or someone who may be discerning a call to leadership in the church.


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