Open to New Possibilities

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” --John 8:32 Over the last six months I have spent a lot of my time alone. As an introvert, I enjoy my alone time more than most. But this time it felt different. It was different. There was a quiet that there truly has never been before. In this quiet I found myself reflecting on my life far more than I ever have in the past. Much like binge-watching Netflix or Hulu, my mind kept replaying scenes from the past. I revisited the decisions, interactions, and some of the major emotional moments that have marked my life thus far. This self-reflection left me wondering about where I currently find myself. Left me questioning where I am being called. Left me to face what more God could be planning for me. I also wondered how many others out there were finding themselves in a similar place of discernment. If the question- how is God calling me, has come up for you over these past few months, maybe it’s time to l...