Open to New Possibilities

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”   --John 8:32

Over the last six months I have spent a lot of my time alone. As an introvert, I enjoy my alone time more than most. But this time it felt different. It was different. There was a quiet that there truly has never been before. In this quiet I found myself reflecting on my life far more than I ever have in the past. Much like binge-watching Netflix or Hulu, my mind kept replaying scenes from the past. I revisited the decisions, interactions, and some of the major emotional moments that have marked my life thus far. 

This self-reflection left me wondering about where I currently find myself. Left me questioning where I am being called. Left me to face what more God could be planning for me. I also wondered how many others out there were finding themselves in a similar place of discernment.

If the question- how is God calling me, has come up for you over these past few months, maybe it’s time to listen for the answer. Maybe it’s time to have conversations with those you trust to listen for what gifts they see in you and where they see you using those gifts. Maybe it’s time to consider if you are being called to encourage others on their spiritual discernment journey. Or maybe, just maybe God might be calling you into ministry leadership. 

With October being Clergy Appreciation month, there is no better time to reflect on how each of us can be a part of the process of encouraging and raising up new ministry leaders in the church. And with the current shortage of pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Nebraska Synod is committed to raising awareness and leaders for the church. Sow the Seeds, the synod’s initiative to encourage individuals to consider a call to ministry, has many resources to help you encourage others to consider the call or to help you with your own discernment. 

For more information about how you can Sow the Seeds, click here. Or contact Lisa Kramme, Director of Faith Formation.

You can also Watch and share on your social media networks how spoken-word poetry encourages candidates to attend seminary.


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