God's Work, Our Hands

 Shared by Messiah Lutheran, Grand Island

Messiah Lutheran in Grand Island, as a congregation truly appreciates serving their community. The entire church participates in big community events for God's Work our Hands. In the past they have transformed their entire downstairs into a community "free" garage sale and farmers market. 

One year they held a community block party and their youth had a Lemonade stand that raised money for flood victims. 

They have made pies and delivered them to all the fire departments. Volunteers also made sack lunches and took them to some of the local parks that shelter the homeless. 

Their Youth started making "Bags of Grace" (bags filled with personal hygiene products) during a past God's Work our Hands event and passing them out. Since then, they have been asked to make over 200 of them every year by Hope Harbor so they can be distributed at one of the events they host.

Messiah's youth group is not a large group, but Courtney Berg who works with the youth at the congregation says she is blessed to serve two churches in town and to see a number of the youth participate. During these community events the dozen or so youth who take part really make a difference. Courtney also shared that their "youth do a lot of community- God Work throughout the year."

What will your congregation do this year to serve during God's Work, Our Hands? For resources about how to participate in this ELCA service day click here.


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