Stories from Across the Synod

 Three Rural Churches Doing Worship in a New Way


In response to the pandemic, the three congregations of Sonrise Parish (St. John’s, Eustis; American, Cozad; and St. John’s, Cozad) moved to video-only worship beginning on March 18, 2020.  Three months later, as warmer weather had arrived, the churches decided to do outdoor Word and Sacrament at each site on a weekly rotating basis, beginning at Eustis on June 14.  A weekly virtual brief worship recording was also continued!  The city street, parking lots, and grassy areas became the places to gather in lawn chairs or in cars in a physically-distanced manner.  A low-power FM transmitter broadcasted to those who wanted to stay in their vehicles.   A music group with percussion, guitar, horns, vocalists (and sometimes keyboard) led the services.  For sixteen weeks through the end of September the outdoor services continued, with attendance ranging from 50-60 to as high as over 100.  Two confirmations and one baptism were also done outdoors over the summer! 

Beginning in October, the three churches moved back to their naves, with attendees to be seated in every other pew, physically-distanced by households or family groupings, with masks and limited speaking and singing. 

For this year's God's Work. Our Hands. they participated in several service projects in their community including painting a picnic shelter and swing sets, scooping gravel, and quilting. To learn more about what Sonrise Parish is up to and how God is calling them, visit their Facebook page.

*sent in by Rev. Steve Berke and Vicar Kathy Gundell

Bethany Lutheran, Ministry at a Glance

Bethany Lutheran Church in Axtell has many hopeful and positives events and ministries going on in their community. They recently got done with VBS, where 58 youth and 35 adult helpers participated.  They also partner with The Closet & Food Pantry of Minden to assist those in need in their community.  The congregation also held an outdoor worship on the 4th Sunday of August. 

To see what else is going on at Bethany in Axtell, visit their Facebook page. To learn more about the The Closet Food Pantry, you can visit their Facebook page. 


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