Return to me

By Deacon Connie Stover, Director of Seeking the Spirit Within The words “spiritual director” could be interpreted or understood to mean that a spiritual director issues directives or commands. This description of spiritual direction is far from the reality of the intentions of this ministry. Spiritual directors listen far more than they speak; and when words are spoken, they are often in the form of questions. Spiritual direction is more like making use of a compass that is always pointing in the direction towards God. Each of us can easily get distracted and lose sight of God in this life of never-ending activity, heavy responsibilities, and high expectations. We can forget the truth and beauty of who we are and whose we are. We are children of God! We belong to the One who says, “Return to me with all your heart.” When I hear God say “return to me,” I feel God’s loving desire for each one of us. And it is my sense that t...