What Child is This in Our Backyard

At the start of Advent, Bishop Maas presented us with an invitation to see Jesus in our daily lives. In Bishop Maas' own words, "To be met by him, to practice our faith and engage him - not because we ought or should or must, but because we can."

That is exactly what American Lutheran in Ashland aims to do through their ministry and work with their community "Closet" and "Kids Cupboard" . In the basement of their congregation they have organized a department store style clothes closet for those in need. Clothing is given for free to everyone who comes, including the poor, homeless, those struck by loss of employment or disaster, residents of the Ashland Care Center, and many others. The Closet accepts clean clothes in good condition during church hours and there is a bin located on the Southwest corner of the parking lot for drop off anytime.

Also, as part of an ecumenical effort with several Ashland churches, American Lutheran holds a weekly food pantry for children during the summer months. Summer meals are offered between June and August to children who qualify for free or reduced meals through the National School Lunch Program. The program also offers the chance for participants to engage in kindness activities once a month. The program is made possible in part by a collaboration with Camp Carol Joy Holling and is sponsored by Thrivent Financial.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can help American Lutheran in Ashland with these ministries, call their office at 402-944-3535. If you would like to find out about similar ministries in your own area, please email the Nebraska Synod at office@nebraskasynod.org.


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