Why I Give is Grounded in Gratitude

By Deacon Timothy Siburg If I had to pick one word to describe life right now, it would be pure and simply, “ grateful .” One of the great joys of my ministry is the ability to tell, see, hear, and share stories of how God is at work. It’s so much fun, and I am grateful for it! It fills my daily work with meaning and purpose, every day. This has me thinking today, in this time of Thanksgiving and as we prepare for the start of Advent, that I am grateful for so much. I am grateful: · For all of you, and the ministry you are part of, and for all the work that you are part of as the church together; · For a loving and supportive family, with a spouse and life partner who makes every day in this journey of life together better, and for a darling daughter whose sense of wonder is palpable and gives new eyes of wonder to this season and time of year; · For the loving a...