Why I Give is Grounded in Gratitude

By Deacon Timothy Siburg

If I had to pick one word to describe life right now, it would be pure and simply, “grateful.” One of the great joys of my ministry is the ability to tell, see, hear, and share stories of how God is at work. It’s so much fun, and I am grateful for it! It fills my daily work with meaning and purpose, every day.

This has me thinking today, in this time of Thanksgiving and as we prepare for the start of Advent, that I am grateful for so much. I am grateful:

·      For all of you, and the ministry you are part of, and for all the work that you are part of as the church together;
·      For a loving and supportive family, with a spouse and life partner who makes every day in this journey of life together better, and for a darling daughter whose sense of wonder is palpable and gives new eyes of wonder to this season and time of year;
·      For the loving and supportive parents and family who has always cheered me on, challenged me, and helped me grow;
·      For colleagues and friends in ministry on the synod staff and across the church, all responding to God’s call to serve, and to the needs of our neighbors;
·      For an opportunity to serve, grow in, and live out my many vocations as I am doing now;
·      And for so much more.

I am also thinking about gratitude this week because today is Giving Tuesday. This is an opportunity for everyone to step up and support the many different groups, causes, and organizations that we have a passion for. It’s my favorite day of the year to “spend” some money (or more accurately to use, give, and contribute some of the money entrusted to me). Because unlike Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a day of great impact, where as a larger community we can rally around needs and causes that are meaningful to us, and have an impact in supporting them and saying, “we see you, we value you, and we want to be a part of this important work that you do.”

I give because as a steward, I am grateful. I am grateful for all that God has done, continues to, and promises to do, for me and for you. I am grateful that God has seen fit to entrust me with so much, and to have the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, as part of God’s work in the world. So today, when contributing as part of this special day of Giving Tuesday, I will be doing so because of these deep held beliefs grounded in gratitude for God’s love and promises.

On this Giving Tuesday, I would like to also invite you to join me in supporting the work of the Nebraska Synod.  Many synod leaders were recently asked to briefly describe why they give to the synod. Here’s what I said:

“My family gives to the Nebraska Synod because we see what it means to be church together every day. We are a mixed-rostered family- a congregational pastor, a deacon on synod staff, and a new daughter who couldn’t be more loved by her family, friends, and faith community. We give because we see that God is up to something in Nebraska, and we want to gratefully and joyfully be a part of the work: of raising up new leaders, pastors, and deacons; of meeting our neighbor’s needs near and far; and of spreading the Good News of the promises of a God we know most clearly in Jesus.”

Wherever you might give or contribute, thank you for sharing what you can, and being a part of this important work in our communities, congregations, and the world as the church together. Thank you for being the wonderful Child of God and steward that you are. And most importantly, thank you God for calling us to lives of great meaning, purpose, and joy, with opportunities to share your love and gifts, with your hurting and broken yet beautiful and loved world that we are a part of.


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