Thank God for- Those who Answer the Call

“We are all one in mission, we all are one in call, our varied gifts united by Christ the Lord of all.” – ELW 576
  At the Nebraska Synod we have so much to be thankful for in this month of Thanks-giving. Among the many gifts we are grateful for are those from our community who have chosen to answer the call to serve and the call to leadership in ministry. One of our newest seminarians is Jacob Krueger, from Lincoln, Nebraska and a member of Grace Lutheran Church there. In the hopes of garnering support for those who have answered the call and inspiring others to do the same, the synod is sharing part of Jacob’s story.

 “I remember, as a child, being captivated by the liturgy, by the movements, and by the sacraments of this church. There was something that was so special about these things to the point where I was playing church regularly at home; baptizing my kittens and presiding over the Eucharist for my stuffed animals and sister. There was something that was pulling, pushing, and nagging me in a direction that was bigger than me, but I didn’t quite understand that until later in my life. As I got into high school, I was able to take leadership roles within my home congregation. And then in college, I had opportunities to take leadership roles in the Nebraska Synod. For four years I was part of the planning team for youth convo, which helped me develop my skills in leadership and conversation concerning the church. I was able to participate in leadership opportunities in Campus Ministry, attend the ELCA Churchwide Assembly and do many other things. I remember thinking about how much I enjoyed these roles within the church and about doing this the rest of my life. And here I am, a seminarian at Wartburg Theological Seminary. I was able to walk along the side of youth, peers, and adults. These opportunities that the Nebraska Synod provided me, helped me discover a passion; they helped me discover my call to Word and Sacrament ministry. I encountered Christ in the high school youth, the peers in campus ministry, and the adults at the Synod Assemblies. I’ve been able to discern my call to ministry in ways that were tangible and lifegiving – I’m just one person though. Think of all the people who get to discern their call such as those who attend camp, those who attend middle school and high school retreats, those who attend campus ministry, those who attend or are affected by the ministries of the Nebraska Synod – there are so many people! All these ministries are funded by the Nebraska Synod where many people discover their vocation. What a wonderful call from God, to be able to walk a long the side of so many people, serve Christ in our neighbors, and to be a steward of the gifts God gives us.”          --Jacob Krueger

  As Jacob says, he is only one person. There are others across the synod who are in need of your support while they pursue a call. And there are still others who are in need of your encouragement as they discern a potential call. If you would like to learn more about how you can support seminarians, leaders in ministry, and rostered ministers in the synod, please email If you are interested in learning about pursuing a call to ministry, please email If you would like to find out more about how to encourage those in the process of discernment, please email


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