Stories from Across the Synod

Three Rural Churches Doing Worship in a New Way In response to the pandemic, the three congregations of Sonrise Parish (St. John’s, Eustis; American, Cozad; and St. John’s, Cozad) moved to video-only worship beginning on March 18, 2020. Three months later, as warmer weather had arrived, the churches decided to do outdoor Word and Sacrament at each site on a weekly rotating basis, beginning at Eustis on June 14. A weekly virtual brief worship recording was also continued! The city street, parking lots, and grassy areas became the places to gather in lawn chairs or in cars in a physically-distanced manner. A low-power FM transmitter broadcasted to those who wanted to stay in their vehicles. A music group with percussion, guitar, horns, vocalists (and sometimes keyboard) led the services. For sixteen weeks through the end of September the outdoor services continued, with attendance ranging from 50-60 to as high as over 100. Two c...