Church of the Way

 In spite of all we could not do during the pandemic, the Nebraska Synod did something it hasn’t done in a decade- we launched a new mission start congregation. Envisioned before the pandemic ever began as a hybrid church with a robust online presence, and vibrant small and large group gatherings in person, Church of the Way in Lincoln has already garnered a strong online following. And they will soon be launching their in-person events. 

Church of the Way is also envisioned as an intentional source of ministry resources for congregations across the synod as they explore online options, or as they seek ways to sustain ministry even in the absence of a called ministry leader. To learn more about Church of the Way, see what Rev. Ted Carnahan shared about this new mission start below.

Greetings from Church of the Way, the newest Synodically Authorized Worshipping Community in the Nebraska Synod! Church of the Way is an experiment exploring the possibilities involved in connecting the discipleship-building power of small group and "house church" style ministry with the greater possibilities enabled by gathering in a larger group for regular worship and service events.  Our vision is to be a church that weekly worships and studies in smaller “houses” while getting together for special events, festival days, and service opportunities. 

To that end, we’ve been involved in a lot of capability building working with live streams and pre-recorded worship. I also host a several-days-a-week vlog called “Coffee Along The Way” where I discuss a wide variety of topics at the intersection of daily life, the news, and Lutheran theology.

And, of course, we’re working hard to meet people in our target neighborhoods on the northern edge of Lincoln.  Planning, dreaming, and prayer for this ministry has been ongoing for the last 4+ years, but the work officially began in September 2020.  Thus, while Covid-19 has made the work more challenging in several ways, the new realities of online worship, work-from-home, and the need for life-giving, in-person relationships have also served to shape and reinforce some of our pre-existing strategies.

You can help the ministry of Church of the Way right now! Visit us on Facebook (, Twitter, and/or Instagram (both @WayLNK) and follow us. Link from our website (www.COTW.Church) to our YouTube channel. Join in on conversations in the comment sections. Talk to your congregation about sponsoring us financially. And, most importantly, if you know someone in our area who might be interested in this “holy experiment,” please share our information with them.

Thanks for learning more about Church of the Way, and thank you in advance for your support and prayers.


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