Church Together- Even from a Distance

Shared by First Lutheran Church in Lincoln, NE

In spite of the current events and the church building being closed, First Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska still found ways to continue to be church together. From service work to maintaining fellowship, this Nebraska Synod congregation is still doing their best to stay connected and help others.

Members of First Lutheran, including middle school youth and entire families volunteered to help serve from home. They cut out pieces of denim for 50 shoes to be sent to Uganda for the Sole Hope project. These dedicated members were still able to make a difference all while observing guidelines and staying home. 

The needs of the community haven't been cancelled, so our efforts to help our brothers and sisters make it through these difficult times shouldn't be either. Members from First Lutheran recognized this and stepped up to help at the food drive for the Lutheran Food Pantry. 

In addition to serving others, the members continued to work on taking care of their beloved congregation. The work on their more than 18 month building project wrapped up with the addition of new landscaping and the finishing touches to the newly renovated Sanctuary. This is sure to be a welcome sight for all members once in person worship resumes.

First Lutheran also works to stay connected as a congregation with daily Zoom learning or online fellowship gatherings. These virtual gatherings range from Bible studies to book discussions, training of new Stephen Ministers to middle and high school youth learning, and women’s circles to other small learning groups. 

The work First Lutheran continues to do in these difficult times is an example of how the synod continues to grow disciples, walk together, and serve God's world even from a distance. It also shows us how we can still be church together even when we're physically apart.


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