Serving God's World through Change

By Rev. Marcia Dorn, Pastor at Bethany Lutheran in Axtell and Outreach Table Chair


This is the mission statement of the Transformation Ministry process that is available and open for all congregations in the Nebraska Synod, as they consider their futures serving God’s World!

In 2016, in partnership with the ELCA Renewal team, the Nebraska Synod developed a transformational ministry process to help congregations reconnect to God, to each other, and to the world. Congregations that recognize that doing church the same way they have been is just not working anymore and are looking for a new way to move forward together into the future are finding new energy, new purpose and direction through this process.

Transformational Ministry involves using God’s Word, prayer, conversation, and faith practices to discern and identify the gifts that God has given them and linking them with God’s vision for the world. The first step in the Transformational Ministry process is understanding that we as a church are invited into God’s mission (not our mission) to redeem the world.

There is certainly no one “right” way to participate in God’s mission in the world, to be God’s church today. It all depends on what opportunities God may be stirring up in each community at any one time. That is part of the process, identifying what it is that God is calling each of us to do. This transformation, renewal begins personally with each individual as they open themselves to God’s possibilities and then the transformation transcends to the congregation and ultimately the world!

The congregation I am privileged to walk with, Bethany Lutheran in Axtell began their journey of transformational ministry one year ago. In the months since beginning this journey of renewal, change has not only been evident, but grasped wholeheartedly by the entire congregation. Bethany has gained a new sense of being “Church” in today’s world. On reflecting on this journey, members relate feeling a positive “Holy Spirit” driven energy through renewal in worship, outreach, a deeper fellowship with others, and strength in our faith formation programming.  Bethany members are finding a newness of life through positive candid conversations and sharing “God Sightings” with each other from experiences in their everyday lives! 

If you and your congregation would like more information on the Transformational Ministry process and how it may change the way you experience being God’s church serving God’s world, please contact the synod office! You can also find more information on the synod website.


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