Here We Go Again…But How?
By Diane Harpster, Administrative Assistant to the Bishop
My daily drive to and from work is a time of day when I get
to enjoy the signs of the seasons in the hills, valleys, and fields along Highway
36 between Fremont and Omaha. Maybe it’s
because I celebrated a milestone birthday this year, but it seems that the time
between the appearance of the first tender, green shoots of corn and beans in
the fields and today’s ready-for-harvest crop has passed awfully quickly this
year. The adage “the older you get, the
faster times goes” rings pretty true to my experience these days.
I find myself wondering how, as a little girl who loved the
freedom and solitude of the farm, summer would stretch out as an almost endless
expanse of time for reading, biking and horseback riding, dreaming, creating. And, of course, the chores, which gave a
sense of purpose and responsibility to the daily routine.
Today, it takes intentional effort to experience such slow
time, as the details of one project, process, or event after another demand attention.
There’s just so much to DO. That’s just the way life is. Or is it?
In January, we began, as synod staff, a shared journey of
intentional faith formation. As part of
our twice-monthly staff meetings, we spend an hour and a half together in
silence, in listening for God and one another, in learning new prayer practices. In between meetings, we try out those prayer
practices. Then we gather again the next
time to share our experiences of the practice; what we’ve heard and discovered,
how we are being called into relationship with God. And the hope is that such intentional
listening and sharing will shape us in a way of BEING that informs our doing,
both individually and as a team.
Doing, going, planning, leading. Maybe we, as individuals and as the church,
have that down pretty well. After all,
we know that we are gifted and called to serve.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples”.
Our faith is made known through the things we do, and there’s clearly quite
a lot that needs to be done. But if our
doing is to spring from a deeper acknowledgement of the gifts God gives and the
purposes to which we have been called, then we do well to consider how we do
what we do.
Maybe the fact that I’ve noticed the progression of the
seasons during my daily drive is a sign of God working in me to slow down and
be present, at least in that portion of my day.
Time may not slow down, but I can.
In a new decade of life, I long for more moments to be infused with
awareness of God’s presence and power. I
know that longing is a gift from God as well.
I long, too, for us as the church together, to pause more often to rest fully in God’s
love so that we can hear God’s direction and priorities before we go and
Here we go again! As
we go forward in another season, how we go can make all the difference. “I have called you by name; you are mine!” (Isaiah
43:1) This is the promise that makes
all our doing possible and that reminds us that, whatever the results, it’s who
we are that matters most to God. We are Beloved. In baptism, we are named and claimed as
children of God. In God, we are
enough. We can breathe. We can be.
And let God be God, for us and for the world.
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