Mission Share Changes Everything

By Bishop Brian Maas

I know—a bishop suggesting financial support of the larger church. Least surprising thing in your day, right?
But I’m not suggesting financial support. I’m talking about health and vitality—individual and congregational health and vitality. As we all know (but often forget), generosity is good for the soul—and the body, heart, and mind, as scripture and even modern science make clear. Generosity rooted in true thanksgiving is better for us still.
Someone once said, “I can do more with 90 cents and God than I can with a dollar by myself.” There’s truth in that—and it’s not the empty truth promised by televangelists; it’s not the trading of cash for the promise of a blessing. It’s the real truth that all of us do better when we know how to let go of a little to manage the rest better. Giving generously to anything is good, right, and healthy. Giving to your congregation, and through your congregation to Mission Share, changes your body, mind, and soul; literally. Mission Share changes everything!
What’s more, recognizing what we have and sharing with others makes us more aware of God’s presence in our lives and the world. It makes us more aware of other human beings, of our common humanity, and of the abundance God gives us. That’s why in the Nebraska Synod we don’t speak of “mission support,” as though the goal of our offerings is merely financial support of other missions. In Nebraska, we speak of Mission Share, because we know that it’s a two-way street. Through our gifts, we share our personal mission as disciples and the mission of our local congregation. Our gifts are our witness, and one way we carry out our personal and congregational mission. At the same time, we share in the mission of the larger church. We are missionaries of the gospel, around the world and in the next ZIP code. We share mission in ways and places none of us—not the wealthiest individual nor the largest congregation—could ever dream of doing on our own. It changes how we live our faith. Mission Share changes everything!
Finally, through our gifts we share in the hard work and the celebration of saving lives, transforming communities, and lifting souls with the Good News of Jesus Christ all over the world. The breadth of our sharing becomes the depth of the church’s strength as it responds to human need and fulfills the Great Commission in more ways, places and lives than most of us can even comprehend. And when we listen to what the church tells us—through so many different channels (websites, blogs, e-blasts, print, social media--check them out!)—we not only learn what we’ve done, we are inspired and grateful anew. Learning about our gifts’ destinies changes our understanding of the simple word “offering.” Mission Share changes everything!
So forget about giving to support anyone’s budget. That’s not the need that concerns me.
The need I know is each human’s—and each congregation’s—need to give in grateful response. Such generosity changes individuals’ very health; changes a congregation’s vitality; changes and expands disciples’ and communities’ mission; partners with God in changing the world; and changes hearts to inspire more generosity still.
Mission Share changes you, me, us, the church, the world. Mission Share changes everything.

*Look out for more videos, blogs, and stories of how mission share has impacted individuals and communities in the weeks and months to come, sharing a bit more about how mission share changes everything.


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