Faith, Hope, and Love Devotionals

Faith can heal our wounds if we believe and recognize that God’s love is in us. Jesus came to the world not only to fulfill what Prophets had prophesied, but also to reconnect our faith and love with God and to present himself in us. Therefore, the church brings us together as Christians, to worship, and journey to the cross, and that is the way “we journey to the Cross-as the church for the sake of the World”. Sometimes, we as Christians misunderstood our calls; some Christians think that, the call to take up your cross and follow Jesus Christ might be a call to get a good job, a good family, and good friends. It is not that way; Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me” this means, to accept the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We cannot be able to be good followers of Jesus Christ if we don’t have faith and if Jesus Christ is not present in our faiths. Rev. John Gok Badeng Nile Lutheran, Omaha We get to Hope! Hope – I think that is what so many people are yearning to f...