
Showing posts from November, 2020

Grateful For...

  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. — Psalm 107:1 This year has been a difficult one. But I don't need to tell you that. You know that, everyone knows that. It couldn't be more obvious. We've seen it. We've heard it. We've definitely lived it.  But for just one moment, a couple of hours, even a day, let's try to forget all the negative, unknown, chaotic, and sometimes scary things that we've encountered this year. Let's put it all aside to make space to remember any of the positive and joyful moments, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.  This week has been about Thanksgiving- a time to get together and be grateful for the good, as well as the less than ideal lessons learned in our lives. I know it's hard to be filled with gratitude when we can't really gather to celebrate. But why shouldn't we take time to celebrate in spite of it all.  Let's congratulate ourselves and our loved ones for th...

Drawn to Gratitude

 By Diane Harpster, Administrative Assistant to the Bishop "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15 As we near the time of year when our hearts and minds turn to giving thanks, I find myself experiencing mixed emotions.  I know I’m not alone in that.  As we briefly considered meeting up somewhere with our children who live out of state, we quickly realized that’s probably not the thing to do this year.  As much as we long to be together, we long more for this pandemic time to be over.  And we are grateful for technology that makes it possible to still be able to gather safely across the miles through a virtual connection.    Even though we are not yet through this time that has presented extreme challenges and changes in the daily life of each and every one of us, Thanksgiving is here again.  And we don’t have to look far to find things for which we are g...

Growing God's Generous Generations

  In the Nebraska Synod, ELCA we're growing disciples, walking together, and serving God's world. This is our shared work of discipleship and stewardship- following God's call and invitation to each of us. Through our shared life and vocation as disciples and stewards, we respond to all of God's work and promises for us- joyfully and gratefully. The Nebraska Synod 4G Network (Growing God's Generous Generations) was created to share in this journey and grow together. Resources for discipleship and stewardship will be available on the 4G Network Facebook page . Stories will be told about God sightings, and all of the great work we do as God's people together, pointing to and reflecting our Generous God who makes all things possible. All are welcome to this new space and encouraged to participate in our shared ministry together. We're glad to be part of Christ's church together with you. Watch this 4G Network video about Encouragement to Be Generous. And ...

Come and Witness the Abundance of Our God

 By Deacon Timothy Siburg The disciples claim, "We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish." How many times have we said similar things in our lives? "We have nothing, but a few cookies. Nothing but a few people. Nothing but a few hymnals, bibles, and an old church building." This is the language of our human created lie and sin of scarcity. This is the language of a lack.  Language of a lack of resources, a lack of assets, a lack of provision, a lack of hope, a lack of imagination, perhaps even… A Lack. Of. Faith. But Jesus says, "bring them here to me." So the disciples bring the loaves and fish. And God acts.  Jesus sees the loaves and fish as assets and things that have been entrusted to the people's care. They are resources. They are not limits, but things that can be stewarded and shared. They are ordinary things of this life through which God will do the extraordinary. How might our worldview turn, if instead of seeing a lack of something...