Reflecting on Blessings

By Brenda Rivas, Communications Manager “God is in the business of blessing us more than we can even understand.” --Cory Driver, ELCA minister of word and service In searching the internet, one can find endless quotes, verses, poems, posts, and more about blessings. Many of us cover our walls, both in our homes and on our social media sites with words reminding us to “count our blessings” and focus on gratitude. But that is often easier said than done with all the negativity and fear that surrounds us. It is so easy to fall into a trap of despair or anger when we’re stuck at home, when we find it harder to engage in our usual distractions. As an introvert, I actually enjoy being home alone. I’ve been taking this time as an extended refresher. But even an introvert like me has things that they miss, people that they wish they could connect with in person. I get frustrated at the fact that with all the restrictions it becomes more difficult to travel and I ...