For the Sake of...

By Rev. Megan Morrow, Assistant to the Bishop What’s a church? Seems like a simple question, right? But, think of all the possible answers to it… - A building, a congregation in one place, a congregation with multiple campuses, an online or electronic media ministry, a denomination here in the U.S. or one in another country, or one that stretches around the world, all Christians everywhere, etc. We’ve explored that question a lot over the last three years in the Nebraska Synod with our yearly themes on Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s emphases: We are Church, We are Lutheran, We are Church Together. Though we might have differing opinions on many things, these are things that are at the core of our identity in the ELCA and the Nebraska Synod: 1) We are the Body of Christ, Christ’s Body ( Church ), 2) We are called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified by the Spirit around Word ...