Word and Service

By Nichole Lyons, Diaconal Intern at St. Michael Lutheran Church in Omaha For 13 years I have been discerning a call to rostered ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). And for about 11 of those years, I was consistently told I should be a pastor, even thought I knew in my heart that my passion and calling was in youth and family ministry. One semester into my journey at Wartburg Theological Seminary, I met a deacon candidate, Kelli Lisi Davis, who broadened my scope of what it means to be a rostered leader in the ELCA. Kelli passionately spoke of the Word and service roster, telling of the many gifts the roster brings to the church. The gifts range from youth and family ministry, to food ministry, education, nursing, advocacy, music ministry, and so much more. When I heard her describe the roster, I knew in my heart that my true calling was to the Word and service roster. As you can see above, being ...